Solidarity Walk with Palestinian Muslims at Peshawar Medical College

20 October, 2023

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Solidarity Walk with Palestinian Muslims

Peshawar, 20th October 2023 - Solidarity Walk with Palestinian Muslims at Peshawar Medical College A solidarity walk was organized at Peshawar Medical College to denounce Israeli actions and atrocities in Palestine and to express support for Palestinian Muslims. Students and teaching staff from Peshawar Medical College, Peshawar Dental College, Rufidah Nursing College, and Jinnah Medical College participated in the walk. The participants held placards bearing slogans condemning Israeli actions and expressing solidarity with oppressed Palestinian Muslims.

Following the walk, a protest meeting was conducted on the lawn of Peshawar Medical College. The event featured speeches from various dignitaries, including Dean of Peshawar Medical College, Prof. Dr. Hafeez ur Rahman; Principal, Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aman Khan; Principal of Peshawar Dental College, Prof. Dr. Shamim Akhtar; Vice Principal of Jinnah Medical College, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ishaq, and Prof. Dr. Shamsul Haq. The speakers strongly condemned Israel's barbaric acts against innocent Palestinians. They characterized Israel's bombings of Palestinian settlements and hospitals as clear violations of human rights and international law. They called on the international community to take notice of Israeli atrocities and take actions to halt them. The speakers appealed to the public to offer moral support to the Palestinian cause and provide financial assistance to the vulnerable Palestinian population.